Monday, February 18, 2008

Expressionist paintings by Reynald Poisson at Booklovers Gourmet

March Art Exhibit - Expressionist paintings by Haitian-born artist Reynald Poisson will be on display March 1-30 at Booklovers' Gourmet, 55 East Main Street, Webster, MA. A reception to meet the artist will take place on Sunday, March 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday 10-7, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 10-4. Closed Monday. Call 508-949-6232 for more information.
To contact the artist directly call 508-731-0339 or email

About the artist:
"It has been part of my nature to create and I have been fascinated by the creative process as far back as I can remember. When I was four years old and living in Haiti, I observed, in the back yard of my home, a small patch of supple clay that was different in color and texture from the rest of the earth. I sat down and worked with the clay, forming sculptures of automobiles, airplanes and boats, which became symbols of my family's eventual immigration to the United States. Since 1995 I have been devoting a full time schedule to my art work, and have acquired an eclectic vision. In the beginning I worked mostly in pure abstraction, until the turn of the new millennium, when I began to incorporate various figures from life into my paintings. My work became more personalized and narrative in its form. Since 2003 I have included the pop art style in my repertoire. One of my important goals is to express myself with my art in a way that addresses humanity's social problems, therefore helping us to integrate our past and to shape our future, to help us to understand what it means to be human."